Our Helping to
The World.
Women and Youth Development Institute (WYDII) is a long-established regional women's NGO in Indonesia. WYDII is based in Surabaya, East Java, and focusing it works in the eastern parts of Indonesia, include East Java province, Central Java, West Nusa Tenggara, North Sulawesi, and East Nusa Tenggara province. One of the major reasons on why we've selected these provinces because they offer utmost diversity in gender inequality, religion-faith-spirituality, ethnicity, culture, socio-economy, politics, poverty, and more.
WYDII's mission is to facilitate the empowerment of women, youth, and third gender to attain human rights, dignity, and gender equality in public and private spheres. WYDII provides a platform to networking among women, youth, and third gender in human rights-based approaches to gender equality-justice, leadership, civic education, elections, peace, and environmental justice.
The empowerment strategies include advocacy, campaign, networking, partnership with relevant stakeholders, and facilitation to support better governance at the local level. WYDII aware of how essential it is the information and communications technologies (ICT) in driving and empowering the struggle of women and for a change in the community. At the same time, digital literacy is essential tool for women and youth activists to avoid persecution due to any online activities.
In the past ten years, WYDII's programs have directly reached up to 100,000 people, and indirectly reached at least 400,000 people through step-down grassroot trainings, public campaign (rallies, hearing), partnership workshop and lectures, meeting, and social media campaigns.